The Climb: A Law Blog Designed to Help Entrepreneurs Chart and Stay the Course

How to Effectively Utilize Legal Services in Starting and Operating a Business

It may sound counterintuitive, but the best way to save money on legal services is to get a good attorney involved in your business from the outset. Attorneys are trained to be issue spotters. By sharing your business plan (no matter how rough it is) with an attorney at the outset, you may be able to avoid or at least plan for possible pain points that may arise in starting and operating your business. Many attorneys may not even charge you for this initial business plan review. Additionally, often when an attorney meets with a client or prospective client, the attorney may be able to spot issues that may be outside of the scope of the legal services that such attorney provides. When this occurs, the attorney will likely be able to refer you to a qualified professional in the attorney’s network who can help you resolve or plan for the potential issue. Again, attorneys will often not charge you for these services.

Getting a good attorney involved with your business early is beneficial because planning in advance for potential issues saves legal fees in the long run, because it is typically cheaper and easier to avoid an issue or address it with a clear plan in mind than it is to need to figure out how to deal with the issue on the fly once it has become a major road block for your business. Please contact us if you would like to speak with us about your business or your ideas for a future business.

Written By:
Jerry Carter

Category: Blog

Published: July 24, 2024


The Climb is a blog intended to help entrepreneurs and investors better understand the legal concepts relating to starting and growing a business and investing in startups.


The materials included on this blog are often legal in nature, but these materials are not intended to be legal advice for your specific situation. If you are an entrepreneur or someone considering taking the plunge into the world of startups, then we highly recommend that you engage legal counsel (whether us or another reputable law firm).

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